chinese-question.vue 17 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view class="chinese-area" v-model="questionData">
  3. <view class="question_title">
  4. <text class="question_number">
  5. {{ questionNumberEndIsBracket( }}
  6. </text>
  7. <text class="question_stem" v-html="sanitizeHTML(questionData.stem)"
  8. :ref="'richText-1-1'+questionData.question_id"
  9. @longpress="previewByRichTextImg(-1,-1,questionData.question_id)"></text>
  10. </view>
  11. <view class="description"
  12. v-if="isEnable( > 0"
  13. v-html="sanitizeHTML(questionData.description)" :ref="'richText-2-2'+questionData.question_id"
  14. @longpress="previewByRichTextImg(-2,-2,questionData.question_id)">
  15. </view>
  16. <scroll-view v-if="isShow" class="words-box" scroll-x :scroll-into-view="tabCurrent">
  17. <view v-for="(item, index) in questionData.option_list" :key="index" @click="swichMenu(index)"
  18. :id="'tabNum'+index" :class="['words-item',currentTab===index ? 'menu-topic-active' : '']">
  19. <!-- 听写汉字 -->
  20. <template v-if=" === 'dictation'">
  21. <view class="dictation-box">
  22. <text>{{computedQuestionNumber(index,questionData.option_number_show_mode)}}</text>
  23. <text>{{item.pinyin}}</text>
  24. <AudioPlay v-if="item.audio_file_id" :file-id="item.audio_file_id" />
  25. </view>
  26. </template>
  27. <template v-else>
  28. <!-- 描红和书写 -->
  29. <view class="strock-chinese-area">
  30. <Strockplayredline v-for="(hz,indexHZ) in item.hz_strokes_list" :class="['strock-chinese']"
  31. :play-storkes="true" :book-text="hz.content" :book-strokes="hz.strokes" strokeColor="#000000"
  32. :target-view="'stem_'+questionData.question_id+'_' + item.mark+'_'+indexHZ" />
  33. </view>
  34. </template>
  35. </view>
  36. </scroll-view>
  37. <view class="title-split"></view>
  38. <!-- 内容 -->
  39. <swiper v-if="isShowC" class="swiper-box" :current="currentTab" disable-touch>
  40. <swiper-item class="swiper-topic-list" v-for="(item, index) in questionData.option_list" :key="index">
  41. <view class="swiper-topic-area">
  42. <!-- 描红 -->
  43. <template v-if=" === 'paint'">
  44. <view class="paint-content-box" v-for="(num,indexT) in" :key="indexT">
  45. <view class="paint-content-area" :id="questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark"
  46. v-for="(hz,indexHZ) in item.hz_strokes_list" :key="indexHZ"
  47. @click="showStrockRedPop(questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark,item.mark,indexHZ+indexT*item.hz_strokes_list.length,item.pinyin,hz.content,hz.strokes,item.audio_file_id)">
  48. <Strockplayredline :class="['strock-chinese']" :play-storkes="false" :book-text="hz.content"
  49. :targetView="'con_'+questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark+Number(indexHZ+indexT*item.hz_strokes_list.length)"
  50. :book-strokes="hz.strokes" :bjIconSize="72"
  51. :strokeColor="strokeColorList[item.mark+Number(indexHZ+indexT*item.hz_strokes_list.length)]" />
  52. </view>
  53. </view>
  54. </template>
  55. <!-- 听写汉字 -->
  56. <template v-if=" === 'dictation'">
  57. <view class="dictation-content-box" v-for="(itemI,indexI) in item.pinyin_item_list" :key="indexI">
  58. <text class="pinyin-text">{{itemI.pinyin_item}}</text>
  59. <view class="hanzi-writer-area"
  60. @click="showHanziWritePop('dictation',questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark+indexI,item.mark,item.pinyin,indexI)">
  61. <SvgIcon class="character-target-bg" icon-class="hanzi-writer-bg" :size="72" />
  62. <img class="hanzi-writer-img" :ref="'con_'+questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark+indexI"
  63. :src="imgList[item.mark+indexI]" />
  64. </view>
  65. </view>
  66. </template>
  67. <!-- 书写 -->
  68. <template v-if=" === 'write'">
  69. <view class="write-content-box" v-for="(num,indexT) in" :key="indexT">
  70. <view class="write-content-area" v-for="(itemI,indexI) in item.pinyin_item_list" :key="indexI"
  71. @click="showHanziWritePop('write',questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark,item.mark,item.pinyin,indexI+indexT*item.pinyin_item_list.length)">
  72. <SvgIcon icon-class="hanzi-writer-bg" class="character-target-bg" :size="72" />
  73. <img class="hanzi-writer-img"
  74. :ref="'con_'+questionData.question_id+'_'+item.mark+Number(indexI+indexT*item.pinyin_item_list.length)"
  75. :src="imgList[item.mark+Number(indexI+indexT*item.pinyin_item_list.length)]" />
  76. </view>
  77. </view>
  78. </template>
  79. </view>
  80. </swiper-item>
  81. </swiper>
  82. <uni-popup ref="parentPopup" :mask-click="true">
  83. <view class="popup-box">
  84. <template v-if=" === 'paint'">
  85. <Strockplayredline :class="['strock-chinese']" :play-storkes="false" :book-text="hz_content"
  86. :targetView="'black_'+canvas_id+answer_index" :book-strokes="hz_strokes" :bjIconSize="300"
  87. strokeColor="#404040" ref="strockBlack" />
  88. <Strockred :class="['strockred-box']" :mark="item_mark" :book-text="hz_content" :book-strokes="hz_strokes"
  89. :pinyin="pinyin_item" :reset="true" :audioFileId="py_audio_file_id" :target-view="'pop_'+canvas_id"
  90. :answerIndex="answer_index" :userAnswerList="returnUserAnswerList" @saveStrock="saveStrock"
  91. :hanzi-color="hanzi_color" ref="strockRed" />
  92. </template>
  93. <template v-else>
  94. <FreeWrite :class="['con-box']" :canvasId="'pop_'+canvas_id" :mark="item_mark" :answerIndex="answer_index"
  95. @saveStrock="saveStrock" :userAnswerList="returnUserAnswerList" :pinyin="pinyin_item"
  96. :disabled="answer_control[questionData.question_id].isReadOnly" />
  97. </template>
  98. </view>
  99. </uni-popup>
  100. </view>
  101. </template>
  102. <script>
  103. import {
  104. questionData,
  105. sanitizeHTML,
  106. isEnable,
  107. computedQuestionNumber,
  108. answer_control,
  109. } from '@/pages/answer_question/common/data/common.js';
  110. import {
  111. GetFileStoreInfo,
  112. GetStaticResources,
  113. GetFileURLMap
  114. } from '@/api/api.js';
  115. import Strockplayredline from '@/components/Strockplayredline/Strockplayredline.vue';
  116. import Strockred from '@/components/Strockred/Strockred.vue';
  117. import FreeWrite from '@/components/FreeWrite/FreeWrite.vue';
  118. import AudioPlay from '@/components/AudioPlay/AudioPlay.vue';
  119. import AnswerControlMixin from '@/pages/answer_question/common/data/AnswerControlMixin.js';
  120. export default {
  121. name: "chinese-question",
  122. mixins: [AnswerControlMixin],
  123. components: {
  124. Strockplayredline,
  125. Strockred,
  126. FreeWrite,
  127. AudioPlay
  128. },
  129. props: {
  130. questionData: questionData,
  131. },
  132. data() {
  133. return {
  134. isEnable,
  135. sanitizeHTML,
  136. computedQuestionNumber,
  137. answer_control,
  138. currentTab: 0, //当前标签
  139. prevTab: 0, //上一次点击的标签
  140. tabCurrent: 'tabNum0', //当前标签对应页
  141. currentPager: 0, //当前书写汉字格
  142. hanzi_color: '#404040', // 描红汉字底色
  143. answer_list: {
  144. write_model: {},
  145. }, // 用户答题数据
  146. isShow: true,
  147. isShowC: true,
  148. userAnswerList: [],
  149. returnUserAnswerList: [], //用
  150. strokesList: {}, //用于临时存储笔画
  151. imgList: [],
  152. canvas_id: '',
  153. item_mark: '',
  154. pinyin_item: '',
  155. answer_index: 0,
  156. hasPlay: false,
  157. hz_content: '',
  158. hz_strokes: '',
  159. py_audio_file_id: '',
  160. strokeColorList: [],
  161. };
  162. },
  163. watch: {
  164. 'questionData.question_id': {
  165. handler(val, oldVal) {
  166. var that = this;
  167. that.commonComputedAnswerControl(val);
  168. that.isShow = false;
  169. that.isShowC = false;
  170. that.currentTab = 0;
  171. that.prevTab = 0;
  172. that.currentPager = 0;
  173. that.tabCurrent = 'tabNum0';
  174. that.userAnswerList = [];
  175. that.imgList = [];
  176. that.strokesList = {};
  177. if (val !== oldVal) {
  178. var cb = function() {
  179. that.handleData();
  180. };
  181. that.setUserAnswer(cb);
  182. }
  183. },
  184. immediate: true,
  185. deep: true,
  186. },
  187. },
  188. mounted() {
  189. uni.$on('_closePopup', this.closePopup);
  190. },
  191. onUnload() {
  192. uni.$off('_closePopup', this.closePopup);
  193. },
  194. methods: {
  195. // 初始化数据
  196. handleData() {
  197. var that = this;
  198. setTimeout(function() {
  199. that.isShow = true;
  200. }, 0)
  201. setTimeout(function() {
  202. that.isShowC = true;
  203. }, 10)
  204. var answer_list = [];
  205. },
  206. //切换汉字
  207. swichMenu(id) {
  208. this.currentPager = 0;
  209. this.currentTab = id;
  210. this.tabCurrent = 'tabNum' + id;
  211. },
  212. //切换当前汉字田字格数
  213. prevIndex(i) {
  214. if (i === 0) return;
  215. this.currentPager--;
  216. },
  217. nextIndex(i, total) {
  218. if (i === total - 1) return;
  219. this.currentPager++;
  220. },
  221. saveStrock(mark, data, img, answerIndex) {
  222. if (!mark) return;
  223. var en = this.questionData.option_list.find(p => p.mark == mark);
  224. if (en == null) return;
  225. var learn_type =;
  226. var oldAnswer = this.userAnswerList.find(p => p.mark == mark);
  227. var hasAnswer = false;
  228. if (!oldAnswer) {
  229. oldAnswer = {
  230. mark: mark,
  231. strokes_content_list: []
  232. };
  233. var answerCount = 0;
  234. if (learn_type == 'dictation') {
  235. answerCount = en.pinyin_item_list.length;
  236. } else {
  237. answerCount = * en.pinyin_item_list.length;
  238. }
  239. for (var i = 0; i < answerCount; i++) {
  240. oldAnswer.strokes_content_list[i] = learn_type == 'paint' ? 'false' : '';
  241. }
  242. } else {
  243. hasAnswer = true;
  244. oldAnswer.strokes_content_list[answerIndex] = '';
  245. }
  246. if (data) {
  247. if (learn_type == 'paint') {
  248. oldAnswer.strokes_content_list[answerIndex] = data;
  249. } else {
  250. var curHZ = this.strokesList[mark] || {};
  251. var curList = curHZ[answerIndex] || [];
  252. curList.push(data);
  253. curHZ[answerIndex] = curList;
  254. this.strokesList[mark] = curHZ;
  255. var strokes_content = {
  256. hz: en.hz_strokes_list[answerIndex % en.hz_strokes_list.length].hz,
  257. strokes_content: JSON.stringify(curList[0]),
  258. strokes_image: img
  259. };
  260. oldAnswer.strokes_content_list[answerIndex] = JSON.stringify(strokes_content);
  261. }
  262. if (!hasAnswer)
  263. this.userAnswerList.push(oldAnswer);
  264. }
  265. this.returnUserAnswerList = this.userAnswerList;
  266. var questionId = this.questionData.question_id;
  267. this.questionData.user_answer[questionId].isEdit = this.userAnswerList.length > 0;
  268. this.questionData.user_answer[questionId].answer_list = this.userAnswerList;
  269. const id = 'con_' + this.questionData.question_id + '_' + mark + answerIndex;
  270. if (learn_type == 'paint') {
  271. var _dom = document.getElementById(id);
  272. if (isEnable(data)) {
  273. = 1;
  274. } else {
  275. = 0.2;
  276. }
  277. }
  278. const element = this.$refs[id];
  279. if (!element) return;
  280. if (img) {
  281. this.$forceUpdate();
  282. this.$refs.parentPopup.close();
  283. this.imgList[mark + answerIndex] = img;
  284. element[0].setAttribute('src', img);
  285. element[0].style = "display:block";
  286. } else {
  287. element[0].setAttribute('src', '');
  288. element[0].style = "display:none";
  289. }
  290. // console.log('保存的', this.imgList);
  291. },
  292. setUserAnswer: function(cb) {
  293. // console.log('设置的', this.imgList);
  294. var that = this;
  295. var callback = function() {
  296. var userAnswer = [];
  297. var questionId = that.questionData.question_id;
  298. var _ua = that.questionData.user_answer[questionId];
  299. if (_ua && _ua.answer_list && _ua.answer_list.length > 0)
  300. userAnswer = _ua.answer_list;
  301. that.returnUserAnswerList = userAnswer;
  302. userAnswer.forEach(p => {
  303. if (p.strokes_content_list) {
  304. p.strokes_content_list.forEach((item, i) => {
  305. if (item == '' || null == item) return;
  306. var learn_type =;
  307. if ('paint' == learn_type) {
  308. if (isEnable(item)) {
  309. const id = 'con_' + questionId + '_' + p.mark + i;
  310. setTimeout(function() {
  311. var _dom = document.getElementById(id);
  312. = 1;
  313. }, 1000);
  314. }
  315. } else {
  316. that.imgList[p.mark + i] = JSON.parse(item).strokes_image;
  317. }
  318. })
  319. }
  320. });
  321. if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') {
  322. cb();
  323. }
  324. }
  325. this.$emit("getUserAnswer", this.questionData.question_id, callback);
  326. },
  327. //书写汉字弹窗
  328. showHanziWritePop(type, canvas_id, item_mark, pinyin_item, answer_index) {
  329. this.$'center');
  330. this.answer_index = answer_index;
  331. if ('write' == type) {
  332. canvas_id = canvas_id + this.answer_index;
  333. }
  334. this.canvas_id = canvas_id;
  335. this.item_mark = item_mark;
  336. this.pinyin_item = pinyin_item;
  337. },
  338. //描红汉字弹窗
  339. showStrockRedPop(canvas_id, item_mark, answer_index, pinyin_item, hz_content, hz_strokes, py_audio_file_id) {
  340. if (this.answer_control[this.questionData.question_id].isReadOnly) return;
  341. var that = this;
  342. this.$'center');
  343. this.canvas_id = canvas_id + answer_index;
  344. this.item_mark = item_mark;
  345. this.answer_index = answer_index;
  346. this.pinyin_item = pinyin_item;
  347. this.hz_content = hz_content;
  348. this.hz_strokes = hz_strokes;
  349. this.py_audio_file_id = py_audio_file_id;
  350. this.returnUserAnswerList.forEach(p => {
  351. if (p.mark == item_mark) {
  352. if (isEnable(p.strokes_content_list[answer_index])) {
  353. setTimeout(function() {
  354. that.$refs.strockRed.$el.children[0].children[1].style.zIndex = -1;
  355. that.$refs.strockBlack.$ = 1;
  356. }, 10);
  357. }
  358. }
  359. })
  360. },
  361. //关闭弹窗
  362. closePopup() {
  363. this.$refs.parentPopup.close();
  364. },
  365. },
  366. }
  367. </script>
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